What is it for and what are the most important advantages of this online interface?

What is an information system in a university

The administration of the study agenda at today’s Czech universities is already done exclusively online. It covers practically all necessary parts of the academic year, from the submission of applications to the issuance of diplomas.

The information systems are called variously; in the Czech Republic, they are called, among others, Integrated Study Information System (ISIS), Information System (IS) or Information System and Study Agenda (IS/STAG).

A specific feature of each interface is that they have usually „grown up“ directly in universities. Alternatively, they have been developed by a company that originally worked under the auspices of the school in question. Thus, these are tailor-made products created in and for the academic environment, even though most information systems have managed to go beyond the home university and spread to other schools.

The different types differ in their robustness and the amount of functionality used. It can be said that these contemporary products must be able to cover the requirements for securing the agenda of even large domestic universities, where several thousand students are commonly studying.

What the information system offers from the student’s point of view

As a university student, you will use your school’s information system on a regular basis throughout the academic year. The most important functions include registering for individual courses, registering for exams electronically or evaluating exams and credits online.

The information system thus represents a significant simplification of the entire study agenda for both students and teachers. Over time, along with the modernisation of teaching, these systems have forced the implementation of new functions such as e-learning.

In keeping with contemporary trends in teaching, the European Academy of Education also uses its information system to enable students to move all related study matters, including the teaching itself, online.

The school thus offers a high degree of flexibility and is suitable for time-pressed study candidates who plan to supplement their education while working, for those who need to combine education with their personal life, or for students who want to try to combine their education with gaining experience abroad.

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Zdroj:  Evropská akademie vzdělávání (European Academy of education) 

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