Labour shortages in the labour market

The proportion of labour demand by industry is not even. Which education is worth investing in?

The project (of the CzechTrade agency under the Ministry of Industry and Trade) lists the lack of technically oriented employees as the main „pain“ of domestic companies. There is a shortage of skilled craftsmen, plumbers or electricians, and there is also a shortage of IT experts.

The Czech Republic reports a shortage of „IT specialists“

According to available estimates, there is currently a shortage of around 20,000 to 30,000 workers in the Czech Republic. Moreover, the situation is getting worse every year. The reason for this is automation and digitalisation, which requires skilled workers. Candidates with the right education often do not even enter our labour market. They can already choose from a variety of offers during their studies. Very often they take the opportunity to travel abroad and start their careers there. The greatest interest is in web developers, data analysts or UX/UI designers.

There is also a shortage of craftsmen

According to current statistics, there is already a shortage of thousands of craftsmen. If we are to rely on more precise figures in the Czech Republic, in 2018 there was a shortage of around 300,000 craftsmen, in 2020 this number will increase to 400,000.

A household can wait a month for a regular plumber. Apprentices have the chance to get a career already following their first apprenticeship at school. Job security is linked to earnings.

Craft has long been no longer a manually strenuous activity suitable for those who do not have the „head“ for studies. Technological innovations are also penetrating this sphere, forcing graduates to constantly educate themselves.

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Zdroj:  Evropská akademie vzdělávání (European Academy of education) 

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