The online MBA is currently at the same or higher level than the full-time

In the past, online study did not have a very good reputation. However, this has changed significantly and studying an MBA online is no longer a problem. It is quite comparable to full-time study.

Online learning replaces full-time study

The coronavirus pandemic has caused the online learning system to improve significantly. Pupils were completely dependent on the internet connection. On the positive side, we have seen that it is possible to learn or teach in this way and with very high quality. The wind has been taken out of the sails of the opponents.

With the recovery from the coronavirus pandemic, several other results are emerging. We can count on online teaching even when the insidious virus does not pose an acute danger. The development of technology brings with it significant competition to traditional classroom education. According to the latest survey by Babson Survey Research Group, more than 30% of college students in the United States take at least one distance education course.

As we learn to understand the new way of teaching, we are becoming more and more aware of its main advantages. These include time flexibility, accessibility to study from virtually anywhere in the world, and low costs (transport, teaching aids, paying for dormitories, etc.)

A separate chapter is the adaptability of this learning form to the student himself. There is a wide choice of educational programmes and subjects. This also implies a greater possibility of individualisation of learning. Thanks to the time flexibility, the student can adapt it to his own pace and level of knowledge.

Modern European-style schools teach via the internet

90% of students think that online learning is of equal or better quality than traditional full-time study. This is also true for MBA studies, which are by definition designed as lifelong career education that appropriately complements and extends existing university studies.

It is designed for executives who supplement their education after they have been in practice for some time. They need to combine their professional and personal life effectively. Distance learning is ideal for this type of training. It is also suitable for students who have not yet worked but have high goals and a desire to further their education.

The European Academy of education is one of the schools that offers MBA studies. It is a modern European-style school that delivers education in a number of prestigious disciplines while taking full advantage of new teaching trends.

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Zdroj:  Evropská akademie vzdělávání (European Academy of education) 

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