What is a full professional qualification and why it is no worse than an apprenticeship certificate

The European Academy also offers two training courses that lead to a full professional qualification. Do you know what this term means?

A full professional qualification (FPC) is an official certificate that confirms that an individual has sufficient knowledge, skills and qualifications to practise a particular profession or occupation. This certificate is issued on completion of a relevant professional qualification or examination that is set out in the relevant legislation.

The legal basis can be found in Act No 179/2006 Coll., which reflects the speed and complexity of technological and social development and takes into account the acquisition of qualifications in a broader perspective – through formal education (at school), non-formal education (courses, training, internships, etc.) and also informal learning, i.e. self-education, self-study or life experience.This means that it is not important how a person has acquired the knowledge and experience, but whether he or she is currently proficient in the field. However, they must provide credible evidence of this fact, i.e. they must have the paper. A document that objectively recognises experience and knowledge can be obtained at school (this document is then called a teaching certificate, school-leaving certificate, diploma) or by passing an examination before another authorised person; this is then called a full professional qualification.

The aforementioned Act 179/2006 Coll. also tells us that the holder of a full professional qualification can apply directly to the school that teaches the given field for the final or matriculation examination, on the basis of which he/she will obtain an education certificate or matriculation certificate without the need to be a student of the school. A holder of a full vocational qualification who wishes to improve his/her level of education can thus skip several years of study at a school for which he/she does not have the time, and still achieve a higher level of formal education. This does not affect the quality of his knowledge and skills – just like a graduate of an apprenticeship, a student of the VET must pass an equivalent state examination before a board of an accredited person.

The European Training Academy is an authorised person to conduct examinations in the fields of Electrician and Logistics and Financial Services. The list of authorised persons can be checked on the narodnikvalifikace.cz website.

Specifically, the Electrician, which consists of a total of five professional qualifications, can be seen here:






The field of Logistics and Financial Services is composed of three professional qualifications, which can be seen with a list of authorized persons here:




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Zdroj:  Evropská akademie vzdělávání (European Academy of education) 

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