Final testing of electricians at the EAV

The date of the final exam is chosen by each student after assessing his/her level of preparedness. There are always several dates to choose from, or it is possible to announce a date together with the student that is most suitable for him/her.

In addition to being prepared, the student must also provide all the necessary documents (Professional Qualification/Examination Contract, Medical Certificate and a copy of the occasional licence) and pay the full tuition fee. In this the instructions are adamant with reference to the Academy’s legislative obligations as an authorised person. 

If everything is met, the student comes to our Prague classroom for the examination. There are two days booked for the exam and it is usually held at weekends to interfere as little as possible with the student’s work commitments. In the classroom there are already prepared sets of test questions for each registered student, equipment for the practical exam and the „Andula“ for the first aid exam. There is always a maximum of six students per final exam.

Students can try out the tests, which test theoretical knowledge, at home in preparation for the exam. The practical exam is more in-depth and involves the student assembling, wiring and measuring various electrical devices.

Full details of the exam can be viewed on the official NPI – National Qualifications website at the following links:

The final outcome of the examination is a certificate of each professional qualification, i.e. a total of five certificates, which in aggregate constitute a complete professional qualification, and a certificate according to NV 194/2022 Coll., § 6 with an addendum on annual supervision.

All of our graduates automatically receive a price advantage for any further studies and we remain in contact or work with many of them long after they have successfully completed their studies.

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Zdroj:  Evropská akademie vzdělávání (European Academy of education) 

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