Applicability of studies in practice: what does it mean and how to know?

We should study what we enjoy, but we should also study subjects where we have a chance of finding a suitable job. Why is it important to think about how we will use our knowledge in practice?

The applicability of study in practice, what really matters?

Before starting their studies, prospective students ask themselves an important question: What good will school do me? Generally speaking, almost every graduate who is interested in employment will eventually find a concrete way to apply. The degree of personal motivation is most important.

Research has also repeatedly demolished the myth that students in certain fields would be inherently worse off. This has been confirmed, among other things, by a study by Czech Radio’s data journalists. Graduates of the humanities are clearly no worse off than their colleagues studying technical and natural sciences.

The ManpowerGroup survey also produced a remarkable conclusion:

The current young generation will pursue careers that do not exist today. Technology is primarily responsible for the significant transformation of the labour market. Automation and robotics will make many occupations obsolete and create many new professions.

The „magical“ applicability of a field of study in practice is thus more a question of how actively the student and the school itself approach the question of future labour market performance.

What a practice-oriented school should be able to offer

In addition to theory, a specific educational institution will provide students with contact with practice during their studies. This is done in various ways. It is desirable to emphasise the use of modern technologies in teaching, as they will certainly encounter them in their later practice as graduates.

Similarly, experts with practical experience should be in place of cantors. They should try to pass these on to their students. Teaching should be conducted in such a way that students can participate in it themselves, gain partial autonomy and decide for themselves which knowledge is useful to them. This will help them to focus on developing their potential.

Nor should the school completely suppress contact with practice in terms of time. It is therefore appropriate if the school offers at least the possibility of combined studies or distance learning, which, for example, allows students to travel abroad to gain new experiences.

The European Academy of Education focuses specifically on practical experience in each study programme and thus significantly increases the chances of gaining a prestigious job and a student. At all levels, it is possible to start your studies online with an individual learning plan. In this way, the student gains new knowledge and contacts and at the same time builds up his or her own professional background at school.

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Zdroj:  Evropská akademie vzdělávání (European Academy of education) 

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