MBA studies are increasingly in demand

The number of students interested in pursuing an MBA is increasing. What benefits does this study bring?

Supplement your education and gain perspective on the job market!

More and more people are interested in this study and it is growing across all age categories. As statistics show, young people studying an MBA are following on from university, as well as those who have been in practice for some time. There is also a growing interest from people in the over 50 age group.

Any education means a better chance of getting a job in more attractive jobs, career progression and higher pay in existing jobs. Often you will find valuable new contacts while studying, but above all you will deepen your knowledge, which may help you to manage your company better and more efficiently and ensure better orientation in the field.

The supply of jobs suitable for MBA graduates has increased by 13% globally. Ordinary university studies are not nearly enough for managers and do not offer much in the way of more practice-oriented learning.

Study an MBA online

The standard distance learning course usually takes place at weekends and lasts between 2 and 3 years. For working people, this often means a disproportionate burden (in relation to family and personal time). So they often postpone their studies or try to avoid them altogether. The least able to afford this type of study are busy managers, for whom the MBA is designed.

Ideally, you can study online and whenever you have time. This will allow you to better schedule all your obligations. Ultimately, you remember more with a rested head and devote more energy to your studies, which comes back to you in the form of acquired and anchored knowledge. The student is much more motivated to begin to see a deeper meaning in their education in the first place.

Many educational institutions today offer a similar way of learning. Among the modern European-style schools is the European Training Academy, which offers an MBA programme in three disciplines:

Financial Management
Healthcare Management
Real Estate Broker and Team Management

The individual curricula are tailored to these segments and will produce successful professionals.

 Read More 

Zdroj:  Evropská akademie vzdělávání (European Academy of education) 

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