New courses at the European Academy: Artificial Intelligence and Programmer and IT Specialist

Do you want to learn something new and acquire skills that are in demand on the job market? Do you want to become an expert in modern technologies and use them in your personal and professional life? Then we have great news for you!

The European Training Academy has prepared two new courses that will introduce you to the world of artificial intelligence and programming and IT. These courses are designed for anyone who wants to learn something interesting, useful and future-oriented.

Artificial Intelligence AI course

Artificial intelligence is the ability of machines or software to perform tasks that usually require human intelligence, such as recognising images, speech or emotions, making decisions or learning. Artificial intelligence has a wide range of applications in various industries such as medicine, transportation, education, entertainment or security.

In this course, you will learn how to install and set up the necessary environment for artificial intelligence on your computer. You will also learn the basics of working with artificial intelligence. You will also try out some of the applications of AI, generating images, text and legal treatments.

This course is suitable for beginners and advanced learners. The course takes 6-12 hours and is divided into multiple modules. The course is held in Prague. Upon completion of the course you will receive a certificate of completion.

Programmer and IT Specialist (18-003-M, 18-009-N, 18-001-M)

Programming is the process of creating computer programs using special languages. Programming is an essential skill for any IT specialist who develops software, web applications, mobile applications, databases or servers. Programming is also one of the highest paid jobs in the Czech Republic and the world.

In this course, you will learn to program in Python, one of the most popular and versatile programming languages. You will also learn how to work with SQL databases that store and process large amounts of data. Finally, you will learn how to set up and manage servers that provide computer network services and resources.

We are proud to help every graduate of the Programmer and IT Specialist degree find a job in the IT industry. We work with our partner companies to provide them with opportunities to interview and land a job immediately after graduation.

This course is designed for beginners and advanced students.

You can study for as long as you like. It’s up to you how quickly you want to become an expert in artificial intelligence or programming. The entire study is online, from the comfort of your living room, with the added benefit of personal consultations with our most successful IT pros.

 Read More 

Zdroj:  Evropská akademie vzdělávání (European Academy of education) 

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