Think about your future and study marketing, it’s online too

Marketing is one of the interesting sectors of the current job market. Who and how can apply in this dynamic field?

What is marketing

One definition defines marketing as a management process that results in understanding, anticipating, influencing and ultimately satisfying customer needs and wants in an effective and profitable manner that ensures the organization’s objectives are met.

There are dozens of similar formulations that attempt to capture marketing as a discipline. In the simplest sense, we can certainly say that it is used to promote products or services. For many, this can even tip over into a somewhat negative connotation, where the user feels that he is being offered by marketing what he does not want or need.

Quality marketing must therefore be based on knowledge of the market and the specific target customer we want to reach. Creating a workable marketing strategy is not entirely straightforward. It is a crucial moment that determines how successful the business as a whole will be in the long run.

How to become a good marketer

No business can do without an experienced team of marketers these days. This is mainly because customer expectations and needs are highly variable. Even a successful brand may need new or at least better clients over time.

It takes creativity, diligence, perseverance and hard work to make it in this dynamic industry. Breaking into the theoretical level of marketing is not out of reach for most of us, and newcomers are especially advised to learn from more experienced colleagues, ideally in the form of comprehensive study.

It is the systematically conceived teaching that will give you a logical framework for specific problems and link them to practice. With the European Training Academy, you can also study marketing, fully online. You can tailor your studies to your time and start building your career while you are still at school.

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Zdroj:  Evropská akademie vzdělávání (European Academy of education) 

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