What is adaptive learning and what are the advantages of this method?

One of the new methods of approaching learning is called adaptive learning. What does it involve and what are its advantages?

What is adaptive learning and what are its advantages

The English equivalent of the term adaptive learning could simply be „adaptive learning“. It is a technique that uses data-driven teaching to adapt and tailor the whole process to the individual needs of each learner. Adaptive learning systems can track data such as learner progress, engagement and performance and use it to deliver personalised learning experiences.

In practice, this method primarily uses modern technologies such as computer algorithms and artificial intelligence. Adaptive learning, in fact, has its origins in the 1970s within the concept of artificial intelligence. At that time, it was widely accepted that computers would eventually achieve the human capacity for adaptive learning.

The main advantage of adaptive learning is its efficiency. The student learns at his or her own pace, thus accentuating his or her strengths. The result is faster and more significant progress in learning. At the same time, he can develop to his full potential.

Cooperation between student and teacher is encouraged and teachers are naturally encouraged to provide practical knowledge. Learning becomes more enjoyable for students. In addition, they are also naturally introduced to modern technology.

Adaptive learning is close to modern technology

Eventually, many are so intrigued by this segment that they decide to pursue it in more depth. For example, they may then become IT students who directly focus on the aforementioned artificial intelligence, among other things.

Moreover, adaptive learning combines very well with other modern teaching trends. In today’s schools, adaptive e-learning has found its way directly into schools. This leads to students acquiring new knowledge more quickly and in a more natural way.

The European Academy of Education is proof of how effective the integration of these ideas into 21st century learning is. We make sure to incorporate current trends such as adaptive learning, but also e-learning and many other modern practices.

We create a stimulating environment in which students can easily acquire new knowledge and skills.

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Zdroj:  Evropská akademie vzdělávání (European Academy of education) 

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