What is the Bologna Process and what is its importance for European and Czech education

The Bologna Process has become one of the most important milestones for education, not only in the Czech Republic. What is its significance?

What is the Bologna Process

The Bologna Process is an agreement between 48 European and non-European countries and the European Commission, which primarily aimed to increase the accessibility, attractiveness and quality of higher education. It was born out of the Sorbonne and Bologna Declarations.

This subsequently led to the creation of the European Higher Education Area. This is characterised by key elements, namely:

A three-tier education system
The ECTS credit system
Qualifications frameworks
Quality assurance
The Lisbon Convention and the ENIC-NARIC centres
Diploma Supplement
„Joint Degrees“

The practical implications of the creation of this European educational framework are primarily to enhance the quality and relevance of learning and teaching, to facilitate the recognition of qualifications and periods of study through comparable three levels of higher education (bachelor, master, doctorate) to ensure learning mobility, but also to strengthen cross-border academic cooperation across schools.

How the Bologna Process has affected the Czech education system

The Bologna Process has thus inevitably affected the education system in the Czech Republic. In the Czech Republic, this meant, first and foremost, the introduction of the bachelor’s degree, the introduction of the accreditation system and the accession to the Lisbon Convention on the recognition of qualifications. At the same time, universities were given considerable autonomy and students were able to take a new role in management and administration.

In addition, alongside the opening up to foreign influences, a number of international schools have emerged in the Czech Republic, which are based directly on the idea that it is necessary to promote the integration of European countries and to draw inspiration from abroad.

At the European Academy of Education, we naturally integrate modern technology and other innovations into the curriculum. We prepare our students for practical employment in a dynamic globalised world.

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Zdroj:  Evropská akademie vzdělávání (European Academy of education) 

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